My passion for flight started with I was 14 and got a ride in a DC-3. I have been involved in some form of flight ever since (I'm 51 now). As a private pilot, hang glider pilot and designer, as well as a PC flight sim fanatic, I've always had something around to fly.(click pics to see larger image)
My first hang glider - Not much more than a "kite"![]()
My next hang glider was a "Stratos"
My first ultralight aircraft. An "Easy Riser"![]()
The Easy Riser had to be build from a kit and I taught myself to fly it. It went together just like a huge built-up model but using pop rivets instead of CA. Powered with a 10 hp Mac Go Cart engine it had marginal climb at best. This design of "plane" back in the 80s was the first electric aircraft to fly (deemed first solar powered anyway due to panels mounted on the upper wing) that I'm aware of. Rent the movie "Fly away home" to see the gas powered evolution reenacted and it in action modified with a elevator instead of the usual weight shift for pitch control.
My last real aircraft was a half interest in a run-out Aeronca Chief
Other aircraft that I've flown: Soloed in a J3 Cub - Taylorcraft - C140 - C150 - C152 - C172 - C182 - Grumman TigerGo here for the JoyRider flight simulator info:
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